Organize your event
Organize your event

If you want to participate in SE2024 by proposing an event, you must follow the following instructions:
Use the Semana de la Evidencia logo.
Do not charge admission to the event.
Promote Semana de la Evidencia and your event (or events) on your websites and social media using: #semanadelaevidencia and #SE2024.
Record the events and share them.
Only organize activities that have diverse representation and are not discriminatory or exclusionary.
If you want to participate in SE2024 by proposing an event, you must follow the following instructions:
Use the logo of the Evidence Week .
Do not charge for event attendance.
Promote the Week of Evidence and your event(s) on your websites and social media using: #weekofevidence and #SE2024.
Record the events and share them.
Only organize activities that have diverse representation and are not discriminatory or exclusive.
Visual Identity Evidence Week 2024
Visual Identity Evidence Week 2024
Download here the necessary materials for your event:
Types of Events
Types of Events
Each organizer can propose the events they wish (these events can be held in person or virtually).
Some format suggestions include:
Each organizer can propose the events they wish (these events can be held in person or virtually).
Some format suggestions are:
Panel / plenary / discussion / round table / etc
Events with 2 or more presenters that follow a common narrative aimed at reflecting on the use of evidence in public policy in general or addressing a general or specific topic. Suggested duration: 1-2 hours.
Panel / plenary / discussion / round table / etc
Events with 2 or more presenters that follow a common narrative aimed at reflecting on the use of evidence in public policy in general or addressing a general or specific topic. Suggested duration: 1-2 hours.
Event with 1 or more facilitators seeking to strengthen capacities in using evidence related to political action and public policies. Suggested duration: 90 minutes or longer.
Event with 1 or more facilitators seeking to strengthen capacities in using evidence related to political action and public policies. Suggested duration: 90 minutes or longer.
Awards Ceremony
Event that highlights the work of academic, public or private actors who work hard to generate, communicate, and/or use evidence to influence public policy. Suggested duration: 1 hour.
Awards Ceremony
Event that highlights the work of academic, public or private actors who work hard to generate, communicate, and/or use evidence to influence public policy. Suggested duration: 1 hour.
Event for the presentation of innovative studies on topics of importance for your countries. Suggested duration: 1 hour.
Event for the presentation of innovative studies on topics of importance for your countries. Suggested duration: 1 hour.
Event with opening remarks and a brief thematic presentation, aiming to bring closer relevant stakeholders. It can be a breakfast, lunch, cocktail, dinner, or another format of your choice. Suggested duration: 1-3 hours.
Event with opening remarks and a brief thematic presentation, aiming to bring closer relevant stakeholders. It can be a breakfast, lunch, cocktail, dinner, or another format of your choice. Suggested duration: 1-3 hours.
"Fringe"/ alternative
We call on disciplines such as cinema, theater, photography, music, and others to propose an event that highlights the opportunities for improvement in political debate and the need to promote the use of evidence in public policy.
"Fringe"/ alternative
We call on disciplines such as cinema, theater, photography, music, and others to propose an event that highlights the opportunities for improvement in political debate and the need to promote the use of evidence in public policy.
Any of the above options can occur virtually, inviting attendees to connect to the event through YouTube, Facebook Live, Zoom, Google Meets, or similar.
Any of the above options can occur virtually, inviting attendees to connect to the event through YouTube, Facebook Live, Zoom, Google Meets, or similar.
Panel / plenary / panel discussion / round table / etc
Events with 2 or more exhibitors that follow a common narrative aimed at reflecting on the use of evidence in public policy in general or addressing a general or specific theme. Suggested duration: 1-2 hours.
Event with 1 or more facilitators seeking to strengthen capacities in the use of evidence linked to political practice and public policies. Suggested duration: 90 minutes or more.
Event that highlights the work of academic, public, or private actors who work hard to generate, communicate, and/or use evidence to influence public policy. Suggested duration: 1 hour.
Event for the presentation of innovative studies on topics of importance for their countries. Suggested duration: 1 hour.
Event with opening words and a brief thematic presentation, with the aim of bringing relevant actors closer. It can be a breakfast, lunch, cocktail, dinner or another format of your choice. Suggested duration: 1-3 hours.
"Fringe"/ alternative
We invite disciplines such as cinema, theater, photography, music, and others to propose an event that highlights the opportunities for improvement in political debate and the need to promote the use of evidence in public policy.
Any of the above options can occur virtually, inviting attendees to connect to the event through YouTube, Facebook Live, Zoom, Google Meets, or similar.
Developed by Gabriela Padilha @ Intua
Copyright © 2024 Semana de la Evidencia .All Right Reserved
Copyright © 2024 Semana de la Evidencia .All Right Reserved